AH Lecture Series IV: Guide to Getting Published (Part 1)

Very often, students spend a lot of time, efforts and resources to undertake academic research. Such researches could be for degree, assignment or other purposes.

Now here is the big question: What happens after your research has been graded? The research may end up on library shelves or may be accessible to the global research community. The choice is yours. But we are certain you would like the later to be the case. Every serious researcher would like that. After all, the time, efforts and resources should pay off. Right?

A good way to start is by publishing your research report in relevant and reputable journals (another article will explain how to source for reputable journals to publish your research output).

Publishing your research output paves the way for an exciting academic career. Perhaps you hope to take on college teaching jobs, faculty jobs or any other higher ed jobs. Even if you decide not to take on university jobs, applying to a PhD program or any other study-abroad scholarships, may still require you to mention your past research works. The visibility of your academic research gives your portfolio the credibility it deserves. So why hold back from getting published when you have a lot to gain?

For those holding already academic positions, getting published improves visibility for your research and validates your role as a member of the academia. It also qualifies you for academic fellowships or other fellowship programs in your industry of interest. Of course, to improve your visibility, you will have to take deliberate steps such as publishing your research findings in reputable refereed journals. Since such journals have guideline restrictions such as limited number of words, an effective way to getting published is to convert your full-fledged research report to journal articles. You will find these step-by-step tips on how to write a standard journal article helpful.

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If you have any questions on how to get this done, please write in the comment below or send an email to academichive@gmail.com. Our team of experts are available and willing to take your questions.

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