AfOx Travel Grants for African Researchers, UK 2021

Applications are currently ongoing for the 2021 AfOx Travel Grants for African Researchers, UK.

The AfOx Travel Grants are established to support the new collaborations between researchers in African countries and their collaborators at the University of Oxford. It is an annual call open to all disciplines.

The Travel Grant is a  joint grant between academics or researchers based in Africa at either an academic and non-academic institution and academics or researchers at the University of Oxford.

Location: University of Oxford, UK
Duration: 1-8 weeks

The grants covers:

  • £5000 research grants
  • Traveling allowance to and from candidates home country to University of Oxford, UK. and
  • Accommodation fee.

The Afox grant is open to researchers in Africa who will like to collaborate with researchers at the University of Oxford. Their research interest or current work must have a link with “Sustainable Development Goals”.

Application Process
Prospecting candidates are to access the application form online and provide the following documents for applications:

  • A standard Curriculum vitae, and
  • Brief research and project proposal,
To apply, click here.
Deadline: ongoing

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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