ACU/ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility Call for Research Proposals 2022-2023

ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility, in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC), announces Call for Research Proposals 2022-2023.

In collaboration with the AUC, the ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility launches a call for research proposals to support African–European collaborative efforts to develop innovative, open-source EO algorithms and applications adapted to African solutions to African challenges by leveraging cutting-edge cloud-based data access and computing infrastructure. 

The ESA EO AFRICA R&D Facility, in collaboration with AUC, will support up to 16 (sixteen) research proposals for one-year projects, as follows:

Water scarcity and food security are the main themes of the EO AFRICA R&D Facility’s Research Calls. The present call aims at addressing research topics related to the modelling and monitoring of environmental processes. Proposals in the following topics are encouraged to apply:

  • EO contribution to hydrological forecast
  • Runoff and river discharge
  • Regional evapotranspiration and hydrological stresses
  • Irrigation demand
  • Crop development and yield forecast
  • EO support of precision farming
  • Forest and rangeland processes
  • Ocean/coastal processes related to food resources

Duration: 1 year.


The EO AFRICA R&D Facility will provide the selected projects with:

  • A budget of up to 25,000 EUR to cover research activities during the project period.
  • Free access to cloud-based Virtual Research Environments (VREs) through the Innovation Lab of the Facility, an interactive geospatial computing platform with ready-to-use EO software and facilitated access to EO data.
  • Dedicated user and technical support for using VREs and developing geospatial computing workflows.
  • Scientific support and advice by senior researchers and experts of the EO AFRICA R&D Facility consortium.
  • Access to the EO AFRICA Space Academy and its Digital Campus for capacity and knowledge development activities, such as online courses, webinars, and face-to-face training events on topics related to EO, cloud computing, food security, and water scarcity.
  • Integration into the EO AFRICA Network for international scientific networking, collaboration, and visibility.
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Project proposals shall meet the following criteria:

  • The project must be proposed by two scientists representing a collaborative partnership of one African and one European research entity (e.g., institute, laboratory, university).
  • The co-principal investigators should possess a PhD degree relevant to the topics of the call or should be in the process of obtaining it as a PhD candidate.
  • Project teams may include more researchers.
  • Projects should be completed within 12 months.
  • Project proposals should focus on one or more of the research topics of the call.
  • The proposal should explain how the work will be shared among the partners, including the roles of project team members and their expected contributions.
  • The proposed research can be linked to an ongoing (collaborative) project of the partners.


The following criteria will be considered:

  • Level of innovation of the EO application with relevance to the topics of the call
  • Addressing the specific needs in Africa
  • Scientific soundness and maturity
  • Making innovative use of digital tools
  • Impact of fostering the use of EO data and services in Africa
  • Balanced cooperation of the partners
  • Background of the African and European co-principal investigators
  • Geographic representation of Africa

Application Process

The proposal submission shall include:

  • The research proposal fully completed in all parts according to the provided template duly signed by the African and the European Co-PIs and authorized representatives of the African and European research institutions,
  • Detailed CV of the African co-principal investigator,
  • Detailed CV of the European co-principal investigator,
  • Short resumes of other researchers on the team.

To apply, click here.

READ ALSO  GSK Africa Open Lab Research Funding for Scientist in Africa

Deadline: November 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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