Assistant Professor in Ocean Solutions and Carbon

The Department of Earth Sciences at Utrecht University is looking to fill a position in the field of ocean solutions at the Assistant Professor level.

The department’s mission is to advance our understanding and prediction capability of processes that govern the evolution of System Earth from molecular to planetary-scale and from the microsecond to the geological time scale.

Within the context of this mission and ambition, we seek an enthusiastic scientist and educator who can develop an internationally recognized research line in the field of ocean solutions to climate change. We are looking for earth, environmental or marine scientist focusing on nature-based solutions for climate mitigation (e.g., carbon sequestration, blue carbon, alkalinity additions) or sustainable use of the seafloor.


The tasks for this position include:

  • Contribute to the (under-)graduate education programmes in Earth and Marine Sciences by taking responsibility for some courses whilst working as part of a team on others.
  • They will supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s degree thesis projects, as well as (your own) PhD students.
  • Committed to societal engagement and outreach activities focusing on creating impact.


  • The salary during the first year is €2.443 (PhD) rising to €3.122 ( PhD) gross per month.
  • A holiday allowance of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 %.
  • Utrecht University also has an appealing package of terms of employment, including the choice of a good balance between work and private (a good arrangement for leave, among other things), possibilities for development and
  • An excellent pension scheme.

Job Requirements

They seek candidates with

  • a PhD degree in a relevant field of the natural sciences;
  • a clear vision for education and a strong affinity with teaching;
  • an outstanding record of academic research reflected in high-quality publications;
  • the ability to obtain competitive research grants;
  • have strong communication, networking, and organizational skills;
  • an eye for public outreach and are willing to contribute to media appearances and popular scientific articles.
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Application Process

To apply, applicants are to provide the documents listed below, and include a brief vision of/plans regarding their own research and teaching for the next 5 years

  • curriculum vitae,
  • a letter of motivation name and last name;
  • title, year, and institute of PhD thesis;
  • current position and name of the institute;
  • the keyword of Expertise 1, Expertise 2, and Expertise 3;
  • (e-mail) addresses of two referees;
  • the titles and URLs of the three most relevant publications.

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: August 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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