IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students in Germany

The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) invites applications from Doctoral students for its second batch of IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students in Germany.

The IEG Fellowships are open to PhD students from Germany and abroad who have at least a Masters’s level degree in history, theology, or another discipline that works historically. However, they must have been pursuing their doctorate for no more than three years at the time of taking up the fellowship, though exceptions may be made in exceptional circumstances. As a research institution that is not part of a university, the Institute does not hold any examinations and does not award any academic qualifications. The fellowship holder’s supervisor at his or her home university supervises the completion of the dissertation.

The federal and state governments jointly sponsor the IEG Fellowships. The grants are enough to carry out the research project stated in the application at the IEG. As a result, no other work or funding can be sought or obtained during the fellowship period.


  • IEG Fellowship for doctoral students has a monthly value of € 1,350.
  • family allowance for an accompanied spouse, and
  • child allowance for accompanied underage children.


The IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students in Germany welcomes applications from students currently enrolled in PhD program.

Application Process

Attachments in the following order:

  • the completed application form
  • curriculum vitae and a list of publications (if applicable)
  • an outline of the Ph.D.-thesis (up to 15,000 characters excluding footnotes and spaces)
  • the structure of the Ph.D.-thesis
  • a detailed timetable for the intended stay at the Institute
  • copies of university transcripts and proof of language competence 
  • letter of reference discussing:
    – The applicant’s academic qualifications
    – Topic matter, goal, and current state of the PhD project
    – A synopsis of work to be done in Mainz along with possible time and work schedules
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All applications should be submitted by email to:

To apply, click here.

Deadline: August 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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