Seed Grants: 2022 Stanford Global Health Call for Proposals

Stanford’s Center for Innovation in Global Health calls for proposals for its 2022 Seed Grants for Research projects that have strong potential to generate solutions and impact.

The Stanford Global Health Seed Grant program encourages the development of innovative solutions to global health and planetary health challenges. It supports scientific and clinical research as well as innovations in health care implementation or delivery. The program seeks to enable Stanford’s vibrant global health community and build capacity with international partners.

Preference will be given to research teams that include more than one discipline and reflect the Center for Innovation in Global Health’s major initiatives and funders’ priorities:

  • Interdisciplinary, solutions-oriented research that seeks to improve health in low-resourced settings
  • Global Maternal and Child Health: Projects that seek solutions to improve maternal and child health in low-resource settings
  • Global Emergency Medicine: Projects that support innovative research in emergency medicine in low-resource settings
  • Human and Planetary Health: Research that addresses the health implications of climate change or other forms or environmental degradation
  • Global Surgery: Projects to develop or support educational programs, research, or innovations that improve global surgical care
  • Global Ophthalmology: Projects that support research that improves global eye health


$10,000 – $50,000 for 18 months.


The following are eligible to submit proposals:

  • Stanford faculty with PI eligibility [tenure line (UTL), university medical line (UML) or research (NTLR) faculty appointments].
  • Clinician Educators (CE) at the rank of clinical assistant professor and above who are full-time Stanford employees with 100% CE faculty appointments.
  • Post-doctoral fellows, clinical trainees, instructors, and research scientists/scholars must identify a faculty mentor and may be included as co-PIs.
  • Projects that create new interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged, as are those including Fellows, post-docs, students, and/or staff.
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Application Process

All documents should be in pdf format, single-spaced, Arial 11-point font, with one-inch margins. Submissions must not exceed 3 pages, exclusive of the cover page, citations, budget, and biographical information.

Each proposal must include:

  • Cover page with project title, one-paragraph summary, and each team member’s name, email, professional title, and department and school affiliation(s)
  • Proposal
    • Introduction
    • Specific aims
    • Preliminary data (if available)
    • Proposed project design and methods
    • Collaboration plan (how will the multi-disciplinary team work together)
    • Description of potential for impact and follow-on funding
  • Supporting material

To apply Seed Grants: 2022 Stanford Global Health Call for Proposals, click here.

For more information, visit the official site.

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