Post-Doc on STEM Practices With Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies

Call for applications for a postdoc position on STEM Practices wrt Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies at faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)  Netherland.

As part of the inter-university research consortium, “Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT)” the Human-Technology Interaction group of Eindhoven University of Technology is looking to hire a postdoc for a three-year project on “A qualitative investigation of STEM perspectives on relevant ethical knowledge, concerns, and practices associated with socially disruptive technologies.”

The aim of this postdoc project is to perform a multi-method empirical investigation and philosophical analysis of the ethical practices and mechanisms (e.g., safeguards, guidelines) employed by current scientific thought leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, CEOs, entrepreneurs and technical experts in relevant high-tech/biotech industries in order to create ethical awareness, assess ethical drivers and barriers and raise ethical concerns. 

Nevertheless, the position is primarily a research appointment, focused on performing research and publishing research results, but the postdoc will be expected to contribute to relevant educational programs at the intersection of the Human-Technology Interaction and Philosophy and Ethics groups.

Duration: A full-time employment for 3 years.


  • A gross monthly salary and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • A free access to high-quality training programs on general skills, didactics and topics related to research and valorization.
  • Annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.
  • A broad package of fringe benefits (including an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, and savings schemes).
  • Family-friendly initiatives such as an international spouse program, and excellent on-campus children day care and sports facilities.
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Job Requirements

The following are required from applicants to the Post-Doc position on STEM Practices With Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies

  • A PhD degree in empirical philosophy, science & technology studies, or a closely related social science discipline (with philosophical affinity), by the time of appointment;
  • Affinity and experience in applying qualitative methodologies, including interviews, co-creation workshops, or ethnographic methods, as well as technology assessment, especially in areas relevant to the ESDiT consortium;
  • A record of publications that demonstrates the ability to conduct research which is internationally recognized as contributing to the field;
  • A creative and innovative approach to his/her work;
  • Willingness and aptitude for teaching in the area of philosophy and/or social science
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English.

Application Process

The application should include a;

  • a curriculum vitae, including a list of their publications;
  • a brief cover letter discussing applicants interests about this position;
  • a research plan, indicating how they propose to approach the research question posed in this description of the vacancy (no more than 750 words);
  • a key, relevant publication (maximum 20 pages)
  • names and contact details of two referees;
  • course evaluations (if you have any).

To apply to this Post-Doc position on STEM Practices With Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies, click here

Application Deadline: September 15, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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