CALL FOR PAPERS to De Nederlandsche Bank 24th Annual Research Conference in Amsterdam

De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam invites the submission of high-quality theoretical and empirical contributions to its 24th Annual Research Conference on the topic: The Economy in Transition: Efficient and Sustainable Policies to Support Business Dynamism.

The aim of the conference is to investigate how macroeconomic policies affect business dynamism and how that affects macroeconomic aggregates. Papers that examine these topics in light of the current challenges provided by the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, as well as broader talks about the transition to a low-carbon economy, are of special relevance.

The following are some of the topics that may be of interest:

  • The effect of business dynamism on aggregate outcomes.
  • The effects of macroeconomic policies on the productivity, size, and market power of firms.
  • Business dynamism in the aftermath of the pandemic.
  • The interaction between business dynamism and unemployment.
  • The effectiveness of the PEPP at promoting firm survival during the pandemic.
  • Uncertainty related to climate change and firm behavior.
  • The effects of policies aimed at mitigating the adverse consequences of climate change on productivity and inflation.

However, if the Covid-19 pandemic does not permit it, the Nederlandsche Bank conference will take place online. (Virtual conference).

Start Date: November 05, 2021

Theme: The Economy in Transition: Efficient and Sustainable Policies to Support Business Dynamism

Deadline for Submission of Papers: August 31, 2021

Manuscripts for the De Nederlandsche conference should be submitted to

For more information about the Nederlandsche research conference, download the official call.

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