PhD position on Meso-Scale Description of Wet Powders for Industrial-Scale Modeling

The University of Twente is looking for a full-time PhD researcher with research interests in Meso-scale description of wet powders for industrial-scale in the Netherlands.

Methods exist to satisfactorily simulate fully saturated particle systems and systems in the pendular regime with independent liquid bridges. In the last case, the liquid provides an additional force between pairs of (meso-)particles. The challenge lies in the intermediate liquid content range. This project aims to develop a meso-particle model to simulate wet systems for all degrees of saturation. The method will be applied to macro-scale processes e.g. agglomeration, granulation and mixing, where the size/type of particles evolves due to the fluid.

  • Establish and validate contact models between DEM particles and solid-fluid coupling algorithms to describe varying amounts of liquid (0% to 100%) in granular systems;
  • Derive the relation between microstructure and liquid content to be included in the up-scaled meso-particles and wet-flow rheology.
  • A salary range between EUR 2.395,- (1st year) to EUR 3.061,- (4th year) per month, and
  • A holiday allowance (8%) and an end-of-year bonus (8.3%), in accordance with the Dutch Collective Labour Agreement.
Job Requirements
  • Candidate must have an MSc degree or a first or upper second-class honours degree in a relevant field such as physics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, applied mathematics, materials science or related areas;
  • He/she should be interested to learn and contribute to new technologies for particle technology application;
  • He/she should have knowledge in DEM modelling or numerical methods in general and a good understanding of particle technology or granular physics would be advantageous;
  • Applicants should be an excellent teammate, able to collaborate intensively with industrial and academic parties in regular meetings and work visits;
  • Also, an appropriate qualification in the English Language together with excellent communication and organizational skills are required.
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Application Process
  • CV,
  • Motivation letter,
  • Bachelor and master transcripts,
  • Contact details of at least two references who worked closely with him/her,
  • Theses or reports (if available).
Application Deadline: March 15, 2021.

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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