MIASA Research Fellowships for Junior/Senior Researchers in Ghana

The Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) welcomes applications to its 2022 fellowship program at MIASA at the University of Ghana.

The Institute offers time and space for supporting innovative academic projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences of top international quality. MIASA supports these projects via different kinds of fellowships: individual fellowships, tandem fellowships with one tandem partner from Germany and the other from Africa, and fellowships as members of Interdisciplinary Fellow Groups.

Individual fellowships will allow researchers to conduct a project of their own choice. These projects can be of an opening, continuing, or closing nature. The successful applicants will become MIASA Fellows with all the corresponding rights and obligations for the agreed fellowship period. Key among the obligations is that MIASA fellows are required to spend the bulk of their fellowship in residence at MIASA at the University of Ghana. Fellowships will be awarded to researchers of top academic quality with an innovative and high-quality research topic.

Duration: 3-5 months
Location: University of Ghana
  • salary costs will be met by MIASA for every full fellowship month on the principle of “no loss, no gain”, and paid directly to his/her home institution.
  • External fellows will receive a monthly expense allowance of 675 €.
  • Non-affiliated fellows will receive a monthly grant, which will be paid directly to them.
  • MIASA will provide accommodation and reimburse travel costs to external fellows.
  • Non-affiliated senior fellows will receive a monthly grant of a maximum of 2.000 € in total.
  • Non-affiliated junior fellows will receive a monthly grant of a maximum of 1.200 €.
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Eligible for application are early career researchers (up to 6 years after having been awarded their Ph.D.) and senior researchers (more than 6 years after having been awarded their Ph.D.) from around the globe in a relevant discipline of the Humanities or the Social Sciences.

Application Process

For detailed info on how to apply, click here.

Deadline: March 31, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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