Postdoc Positions: Wear and Surface Fatigue in Backup Rolls, Twente University (Full-Time)

Applications are currently ongoing for a full-time postdoctoral research position in Wear and Surface Fatigue in Backup Rolls at the University of Twente, Netherlands.

The Department Mechanics of Solids, Surfaces & Systems (MS3) seeks a highly motivated Postdoc to strengthen their research portfolio in the area of modeling of degradation mechanisms. The main task of the candidate will be to the SFEC technique to analyze the current state of a backup roll.

Mild wear and damage accumulation by fatigue taking place at a back-up roll is surface-induced phenomena, which are in “competition” with each other. Quantitative lifetime predictions can be made by combining laboratory-scale validation experiments with modeling of the physical degradation mechanisms. The SFEC technique will be used for model validation, but could also be used to inspect actual rolls in the near future.

  • A gross salary between € 3.353,- and € 5.127,-  per month, depending on experience and qualifications.
  • Professional and personal development programs.
  • An annual holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, and an annual end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • A solid pension scheme.
Job Requirements
  • A Postdoc candidate who has excellent research skills related to the development of novel measurement techniques and related data analysis.
  • Ph.D. degree in Physics, Mechanical Engineering or equivalent, preferably with a background in tribology.
  • An excellent researcher, eager to learn and to improve.
  • Thrive in a collaborative environment.
  • Has excellent communication skills in English.
Application Process

Interested applicants should include the following documents in their applications:

  • A motivation letter describing why they are applying for this position, with a description of their research interests (no more than 1 A4).
  • A detailed CV.
  • Academic transcripts from their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
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Application Deadline: February 21, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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