6th Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance

The organizing and program committees, along with the organizing institutions, invite submissions of high-quality theoretical or empirical research papers on financial intermediation, corporate finance, and their intersection.

The conference will feature 20 papers, and there will also be ample time for discussion, reflection, and outdoor activities. The organizing and program committees expect all presenters and discussants to stay for the whole duration of the conference to promote an active discussion.

The conference has a rigorous procedure whereby the invitation to present the paper comes only to the author who submits the manuscript, and only one paper per presenting author may be submitted. They are to indicate if their paper relates to corporate finance or financial intermediation.

Venue: Amarilia Hotel, Agiou Nikolaou 13, Vouliagmeni 166 71, Greece.

Conference dates: September 2–4, 2024

Conference Fees

  • There is no conference fee for presenters, invited discussants, and session chairs, and all meals are included.
  • A limited number of free seats will be allocated to PhD students who would like to attend the conference without presenting (upon presentation of an official letter showing evidence confirming their status).
  • Faculty or practitioners who would like to attend the conference without presenting must register for a fee of €350.

Submission Process

To register for the 6th Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance, click here.


Submission of papers: March 31, 2024

For more information about the 6th Endless Summer Conference on Financial Intermediation and Corporate Finance, visit the official site.

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