Day: April 13, 2022

PostDoc on Reinforcement Learning in the Real World, Postdoctoral, postdoctoral position, postdoc jobs, post-doctoral research jobs, mit postdoctoral fellowship, post-doc positions, Research position Academic opportunities, Academic Jobs, University Jobs
Post-Doctorate Positions

PostDoc on Reinforcement Learning in the Real World

The Delft University of Technology invites applications for PostDoc positions on Reinforcement Learning in the Real World. In the Mercury Machine Learning Lab, researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) will be working together with on various improved recommendation systems. The collaboration provides the unique opportunity to test […]

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Postdoc in Computational Social Choice, Postdoctoral, postdoctoral position, postdoc jobs, post-doctoral research jobs, mit postdoctoral fellowship, post-doc positions, Research position Academic opportunities,
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc in Computational Social Choice

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Social Choice to work with them in the COMSOC Group at the ILLC in Amsterdam. The research agenda of the group is dedicated to the design and analysis of methods for collective decision-making. The research they do is both mathematical and conceptual in nature. They regularly […]

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